Boundless Vapes is an American brand that makes very good vaporizers.
Entered the market in 2016 with the Boundless CF and Boundless CFX they have quickly made a reputation for themselves as a very good vaporizer manufacturer.
American brand of portable vaporizers made in China.
The Terp Pen Spectrum from Boundless is an ultra-compact electronic nectar collector / dab straw that is surely the simplest, fastest and most discreet way to enjoy concentrates on the go. There's no need to press a button, and the heating head is easily replaceable for easy maintenance.
The Vexil, the latest addition to the Boundless Technology range, is a 100% conduction portable vaporizer. It's a vaporizer that fits in the hand, simple to use and discreet at an affordable price. I features a large 0.5g bowl.
After the famous CFX whose effectiveness was accompanied by great success, Boundless Technology now offers an updated version, the CFX+.
Titanium mouthpiece for your Boundless CFX portable vaporizer.
Mouthpiece and top for CFX Boundless Technology vaporizer.
The vaporizer portable CFV V2 of Boundless technology is a vaporizer 100% convection for one of the best aroma of the market. Adjustable temperature from 60°C to 230°C. Soft and fresh steam. Non-removable dual 18350 mAh battery.Free gift with any purchase of a vaporizer CFV Boundless cheap.
Perfect if you are looking for a more pleasant sensation than the silicone of your CFX / CF / CFV Boundless Vape.
Adapter to connect your CFX / CF Boundless vape portable vaporizer to a water filter. Universal adapter that makes male and female joints in 14 and 18mm diameter.Compatible with all water filters on the market with a 14 and 18mm joint.
The CFX offers adjustable temperature to the nearest degree. Ceramic bowl, 100% convection heating for a very good rendering of flavors. 100% insulated air passage, heats in 20 seconds. Cloud of steam from the first inhalations.