Tightvac is the manufacturer of small cylindrical boxes with an airless button to guarantee a long conversation of dry plants.
Manufacturer of conservation boxes, with an ingenious closing system.
With a capacity of approximately 145 grams, the TightVac 2.35 liters is a perfect box to store your dry herbs.With its mini air vacuum at the touch of a button when closing the lid, the TightVac 2.35 liters will quickly become your faithful companion.
With a capacity of approximately 75 grams, the tightvac 0.29 litres is a perfect little box for storing your dried herbs.With its mini air vacuum at the touch of a button when closing the lid, the tightvac 0..29 litres is a faithful and practical companion.
With a capacity of about 90 grams, the TightVac 0,06 liters TV0-SLB is the perfect box to keep your dry herbs, resins or various foods, up to one year.With its mini air vacuum by simply pressing a button when closing the lid, the TightVac 0,06 liters will quickly become your faithful companion of aromatherapy