Accueil > Vaporizers' accessories > Chauffes par induction > Orion V2 DynaTec Induction Heater Dynavap

Orion V2 DynaTec Induction Heater Dynavap


Dynatec's Orion V2 portable induction heating system is specially designed for Dynavap VapCap vaporizers

Compatible with stainless tips and titanium tips.

Allows you to heat up your Dynavap in 5 to 8 seconds.

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The Orion V2 Dynatec portable induction heater is a portable induction heating system for any type of Dynavap vaporizer.

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No more storm lighters, your Vapcap heats up directly via the portable induction of Orion.

Depending on the tip used, the heating takes from 5 to 8 seconds allowing you to obtain the most adequate rate of vapor production possible.

The Orion Dynatec is portable. and it recharges via a cable and a USB-C plug.

Technical characteristics of the Dynatec Orion portable induction heater:

  • Heats up in 5 to 8 seconds
  • Anti-overheating mode every 10 seconds
  • Compatible with stainless tip and titanium tip
  • Built-in Dynavap magnet on the Orion so you can put your hot Vapcap on the Apollo2 Dynatec and hold it upright
  • Ignition button
  • Battery life - about 50 heatings
  • USB-C rechargeable
  • Dimensions: 5.71 cm x 11.11 cm x 3.175 cm

Directions for use of Orion Dynatec portable induction heater:

  • Gently insert the VapCap and wait until a red flashes (the Orion automatically detects your VapCap)
  • Continue to wait until you hear the click of the VapCap (a function allows the heating to be stopped after 10 seconds)
  • At the click remove the Vapcap from Orion Dynatec Portable induction heater and inhale

Ordering a Orion Dynatec portable induction heater means receiving :

  • 1 x Induction Heater Orion
  • 1 x instruction manual
  • 1 x 1m USB-C cable
  • 1 x Dynatec custom zip pouch

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