The Vital V.A.P. Katalyzer is a portable vaporizer with heating temperature control down to the degree, glass mouthpiece and OLED display.
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The Vital portable vaporizer works for dry herbs, resins and concentrates.
It is the entry-level portable vaporizer from Katalyzer. The Vital V.A.P. is a quality portable vaporizer at a price that leaves the competition far behind.
With its ceramic heating chamber, it reaches its maximum temperature of 240 ℃ in 25 seconds. Its OLED display and intuitive user interface, coupled with a slim but robust design and a 2600 mAh 18650 battery make it one of the most effective portable vaporizers on the market.
The Vital V.A.P. vaporizer is a sturdy, temperature-accurate vaporizer.
The capacity of the vaporization chamber is substantial (0.3 g) and is easy to fill and clean thanks to its wide opening.
This vaporizer also remembers your last temperature setting. Once switched back on, it will automatically be set to the last temperature selected. Vital V.A.P. can be used while charging, so you don't have to worry about the battery as long as you've got a USB cable!
The draw or airflow is very airy, allowing you to inhale almost freely and without too many restrictions.
If you wish to filter your vapor with water, this is possible with the Vital bubbler, which is sold separately on our site.