The Super Surfer V2 vaporizer from the American brand 7th Floor Vapes is a very complete vaporizer that will delight lovers of flavor, big and small inhalations.
Only color available: silver (matte metal).
Indeed, the Super Surfer V2 vaporizer has all the advantages and qualities of the Silver Surfer classic vaporizer with additional options including :
- The possibility to inflate balloons with high quality glassware
- The ability to aspirate via the hose with or without forced air
- Hands-free mode (hands-free kit included)
- The possibility to enjoy the backlighting of the Super Surfer vaporizer thanks to an LED located underneath
- Everything in a carrying bag with all the accessories needed to enjoy the Super Surfer
Buying a Super Surfer V2 vaporizer means receiving :
- A Super Surfer unit in matte metal (silver) vaporizer in Spherical Ground Glass mode (ceramic cover and transfer wand)
- A micro piece of essential oil wax
- A padded carrying bag
- A medical silicone whip - 100% neutral in taste
- A metal pick and glass ball to mix the herbs
- A hands-free kit (allows you to hold the pipe with one hand, the transfer wand being held against the ceramic cover)
- A transfer wand with colored glass (unique model - non contractual photo, random color)
- A wand with a unique valve in glass, silicone and titanium (for the balloon)
- A glass mouthpiece for the tube mode
- A glass mouthpiece for the balloon mode
- A ceramic bowl / heater cover for the balloon
- 2 unique and changeable glass knobs
- 2 clep clips (small metal piece to hold two glass elements together)
- A glass sleeve / cylinder for the balloons
- A mini glass sleeve for the other side of the balloons (the side we close)
- 2 ceramic discs of different sizes
- 1 pack of 10 grids 20.8mm
- 1 pack of 10 grids 15.8
- A 2 year warranty
The Super Surfer Vaporizer is delivered in a very complete and ready to use kit.
Technical characteristics of the Super Surfer vaporizer :
- Variable speed fan to inflate balloons or assist in whip mode
- Very powerful ceramic heating element AI203 - the must! It can be left on 24/7
- 100% glass airflow - 100% convection vaporizer - The best aroma rendering on the market
- Spherical Ground Glass transfer wand with a larger capacity (about 0.5 grams) than the ground glass of the silver surfer classic
- The angle of the bend of the heater cover and the wand guarantees that no plant particles can fall on the heater
- 1m long hose / whip for a good steam refreshment
- Glass mouthpiece
- The vaporizer is made of 100% glass, all the elements are made of glass and blown in the USA. The glass is solid and very easy to clean
- Forced air fan to inflate a balloon or to assist with aspiration
- Valve system on the balloon that allows, as with a Volcano, to block the vapor between inhalations
However we advise to empty a balloon within 5 minutes because the more the vapor stagnates the more the active ingredients stick to the walls of the balloon - Retro lighting with LEDs and 11 choices of modes available including 7 colors
- 1 : soft lighting
- 2 : fast flashing
- 3 to 9 : choice of fixed colors (Red - Green - Blue - Yellow/green - Turquoise - Violet - Light blue)
- 10 : Slow fade of colors
- Aroma top supplied for diffusion of essential oils in a room
- Padded bag to safely store and transport the Super Surfer
- Power cord more than 2 meters long